Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Once again, off on a blogging hiatus

I had given up on blogging back in August 2005, but tried it again these past two months to see if the Blogosphere had improved enough to warrant my active participation. Alas, I'm afraid the answer is still a resounding No.

Yes, the tools and performance have improved somewhat, but the overall character of the Blogosphere still leaves a lot to be desired.

The main reason for leaving last Auguest remains true today: I'm not seeing any path to a compelling economic justification for my own blogging, and it distracts too much from my other efforts that might have a more attractive econonomic proposition.

I really do enjoy blogging, but the economic return is simply not there, at least for me.

One distinctly negative aspect that almost forces me to gon on hiatus again is the fact that so many people still seem obsessed with popularity, either how to gain popularity, or insisting that only people with significant popularity should even be paid attention to.

The idea that even the smallest blog is a megaphone is complete nonsense.

Nobody is offering me any real encouragement to continue blogging, either directly or indirectly. If I stop, very few people, if any, will even notice.

I can only conclude that I'm simply not writing anything of significant enough merit and value to be of interest to more than a tiny audience. If that's the case, there's no reason to bother, especially since I have existing non-blog web sites that offer people access to my complete writings, simply by searching with Google or any of the other search engines.

I'm not completely giving up on the propect of blogging, so I'll go on hiatus again for four to six months and then give it a try again and see if things have improved enough for me that stick with it on a daily basis.

My one-year anniversay for blogging will be February 18, 2006, so I'll make Friday, February 17, 2006 my last day of blogging. I may or may not write a few more blog posts after this one, no guarantees, and no promises.

It's also possible that I may make occasional posts if I wish to particularly highlight some work on my web sites, or if I have some particular piece of news or insight that I wish to share with people in a more direct manner than simply burying it on my web sites.

If you have found any value in my writings over the past two months,I do thank you for your interest and attention.

Hopefully the Blogosphere will evolve in a more positive manner over the next four to six months.

-- Jack Krupansky


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