Sunday, March 06, 2011

Debugging font issue - Experiment #9

Experiment #8 was mostly okay, except that it showed a problem I have seen before: after a numbered list, the font reverts to the tiny size problem.
Next, I'll send the same list, but use the "Clear Formatting" feature in WLM to remove formatting for the paragraphs after the list. Unlikely to help, but who knows. Actually, it changed more than just those selected paragraphs – it also changed the numbered list to a bullet list, so I changed it back to a numbered list. Now, lets see what happens.
Now, here is a numbered list, numbered in WLM:
  1. Item 1.
  • Item 2.
  • Item 3.
  • Item 4.
      After the item list. Note: There were no extra blank lines before or after the list in WLM.
      Just trying a centered paragraph here.
      Back to normal here.
      This sentence is a separate paragraph, but without an extra blank line before it.
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