Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Short or long, blog what makes sense

Shel Israel of Naked Conversations fame has been bombarded with quite a few silly comments about his posting of his overview for his new Global Neighborhoods [sic] book, not the least of which is that his posts were too long or people were too busy or whatever. Enough whining already. The truth is that length does not matter. Just blog whatever makes sense. Sensible people will deal with it and it will be okay. Whiners can... go twitter with themselves. Now, back to matters of substance...

I do like material that is conveniently chunked for serious thought. Breaking a chapter into multiple parts (posts) makes a lot of sense. And sectioning each part (post) into multiple key points makes sense as well.

From what I have seen so far, Shel's longest posts could actually be a fair amount longer. He has had a few that actually felt too short. Half to a full page of text may be the sweet spot for content length, not for "normal" blog posts, but for meaty, "content" blog posts such as Shel is posting for his book.

-- Jack Krupansky


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