Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Your content is worthless until it is found by someone who cares about it

Just a follow-up comment on this issue of some people promoting the idea that search engines are leeches (see my post "Liberation from search dependency is a strategic imperative for both websites and software vendors"). I had an email exchange with a couple of more knowledgeable people and one of them emphasized the following point in favor of search engines:

your content is worthless until it is found by someone who cares about it

In other words, any tool that helps potential readers find your content is inherently a good thing.

Or, to borrow an old PR saw, any PR is good PR.

Now, back to more of my worthless content.

[Update: Here's the blog post by F. Andy Seidl who is the guy I was quoting for "your content is worthless until it is found by someone who cares about it." It's entitled "Search Engines are Leeches?"]

-- Jack Krupansky